Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2024)

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (1)

Upright Meaning Guide

Nine of Wands Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Ongoing battle, battle weary, fatigue, drained of energy, nearly there, close to success, courage, persistence, perseverance, backbone, learning from past failure, gather your strength, fight your corner, last stand, guarded, wounded, expecting trouble, holding out, not working out as planned, setbacks, strength of will

General Meaning and Interpretation(Upright)

In a general context, the Nine of Wands tells you that you are half way through a battle. Recent events have left you drained of all energy and feeling like you can’t go on, but you are so close to getting what you want! You just need to gather the last of your strength and push forward and you will be successful. It represents ongoing battles, being battle weary, drained of energy and fatigued. It also signifies courage, persistence, strength of will, having a backbone, holding out and perseverance. It is a Minor Arcana card of gathering your strength, learning from past failures, fighting your corner and making your last stand. You may be wounded, guarded or expecting trouble when it appears in your Tarot reading. It can suggest that things have not worked out the way you planned and there have been challenges and setbacks along the way. The Nine of Wands also tells you that you are close to success or nearly there.

Love & Relationships (Upright)

In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Nine of Wands indicates that you and your partner have been going through a rough time. Whether that’s in how you relate to each other or just in life in general, recent events have left you sapped of all energy. You may feel like giving up and calling it quits but this Minor Arcana card tells you to keep going! You are through the worst so you just need to gather your strength and push forward and you will get to where you want to be. This card can also indicate that you or your partner has been wounded and hurt in past relationships and this may be having a negative effect on your relationship. If you are single, the Nine of Wands indicates that you are still wounded from a string of relationships that didn’t work out how you wanted and these wounds are preventing you from finding the happy and healthy relationship you deserve. It may feel like you will never get past this, but you are so close! Don’t give up on yourself! Just make sure the next person you allow into your life is worthy of your love and guard your heart until they’ve earned your trust.

Money & Career(Upright)

In a career Tarot spread, the Nine of Wands represents an ongoing battle, perseverance and fighting through the tough times. The reality of the work you have taken on may be hitting home when this card appears in your Tarot reading as the Nine of Wands indicates that you are mid-way through a battle. The previous work you have put in may have left you exhausted and wondering if you have enough energy to complete the task at hand. This Minor Arcana card tells you to fight on as you will find success. In a financial Tarot reading, the Nine of Wands can indicate that you may be having a bit of a tricky time in terms of money. You may have had a lot of unexpected expenses recently that have left you a little strapped for cash. If you have savings, you may want to consider dipping into them to see you through. If you don’t have savings, try not to worry. Look at ways you can make a little extra side money until things improve. The Nine of Wands can also signify guarding your money so you may need to be a bit security conscious about cash and valuables when this appears.

Health (Upright)

In a health Tarot reading, if you have been ill for some time, the Nine of Wands can indicate that the battle with your illness up to now has used up most of your energy. This card tells you that you need to summon the last of your strength and push forward. You will get there, just don’t give up! The Nine of Wands can also represent chronic illness and old injuries or illnesses making a comeback.


In a spiritual context, the Nine of Wands indicates that you have gone through a difficult time and you are feeling burnt out and worn out. However, things are looking up and you have learned your karmic lessons so you will be able to move forward on your spiritual path! Work on your energy levels first. Meditation or Reiki may help to restore them.

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2)

Reversed Meaning Guide

Nine of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Refusing to compromise/ give in, stubborn, rigid, obstinate, last one standing, not learning from past, no fight left, chronic fatigue, stalemate, retreat, withdrawal, falling at the final hurdle, lack of courage/ persistence/ perseverance/ backbone, weakness, dropping your guard, unexpected trouble, giving up, chip on shoulder

General meaning and interpretation(Reversed)

In a general context, the Nine of Wands reversed represents refusing to compromise or give in, being stubborn, rigid or obstinate. It can signify being the last one standing or having a chip on your shoulder. Alternatively, this Minor Arcana card reversed can signify a stalemate, withdrawal, retreat, giving up, having no fight left or no backbone. The Nine of Wands reversed can also indicate weakness of will, chronic fatigue and lack of courage, persistence or perseverance. It can represent not learning from past mistakes or falling at the final hurdle. This card can signify dropping your guard or encountering unexpected trouble.

Love & Relationships(Reversed)

In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that you and your partner may have been arguing previously and have now gotten locked in a stalemate where you are both digging your heals in and refusing to compromise. Alternatively, this Minor Arcana card can suggest that you have no fight left and want to withdraw from the relationship altogether. If the relationship is to last, there needs to be some compromise and you both need to learn from past mistakes. If you find yourself in an obstinate or stubborn mood just ask yourself, do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? If you are in a new relationship, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that your new partner may have a bit of a chip on their shoulder about how much they have been hurt in the past. You can be compassionate but remember you are not to blame for their past relationship failures so don’t tolerate them taking it out on you. If you are single, the Nine of Wands reversed indicates that you may be starting to feel ready to drop your guard when it comes to love. This is a great development! You have learned from your past relationships, grieved, gotten your strength back and are ready to move on. Alternatively, it can indicate that past relationship trauma has left you so wounded that you have completely given up on love. You need to give yourself space to get your strength back but don’t close yourself off to the possibility of meeting someone new. Not everyone out there will hurt you.

Money & Career(Reversed)

In a career Tarot spread, the Nine of Wands reversed can represent having no fight left or stubbornly refusing to compromise or change. You may feel like are getting nowhere in your job or with a current project and that you have put everything into it but to no avail. When reversed, this card can suggest that exhaustion is affecting your perspective. Work/life balance is not only important for you in your personal life but it’s also essential to good productivity; it may be that you have simply been pushing yourself too far workwise. Try taking a step back to gather yourself together, take some time off and get your energy levels back to normal. Then decide if it’s worth pushing ahead with what you’ve been doing. Alternatively, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that you are relentlessly pushing forward in terms of business or career when you are, in fact, flogging a dead horse. Again, you need to take some time to consider if what you are doing is worth pursuing. In a financial Tarot reading, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate that you may be running away from your financial responsibilities. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also signify not protecting your money so you may find cash and valuables go missing when it appears.

Health (Reversed)

In a health Tarot reading, the Nine of Wands reversed can indicate being unable to continue to fight an illness or being unable to keep up the pretence that you are not suffering. It is also a stronger indication of a chronic illness or the return of an old injury or illness causing you problems.

Spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual context, the Nine of Wands reversed again indicates that you have gone through a difficult time. You are feeling exhausted but there is an element of rigidity with this card that suggests you are digging your heels in and refusing to accept the lessons the universe is trying to send you. You can’t change the past but you can learn from it, if you reject the lesson, the universe will just send it back to you in a bigger way. Try to embrace it and be gentle with yourself.

Want to keep learning the meaning of the Tarot cards with The Tarot Guide? Continue to the next card…

Or check out the rest of the Minor Arcanaor the Major Arcana in The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online!

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (2024)


What is the message of the 9 of wands? ›

Nine of Wands Upright Meaning

The path to greatness and success is usually not easy. Some dreams are difficult to make a reality, but just because something is really challenging, it does not mean that it isn't worth doing.

What should I do in the Nine of Wands? ›

In a general context, the Nine of Wands tells you that you are half way through a battle. Recent events have left you drained of all energy and feeling like you can't go on, but you are so close to getting what you want! You just need to gather the last of your strength and push forward and you will be successful.

Is the 9 of wands a yes or no question? ›

It signifies being on guard and prepared for one last push towards a goal. In 'yes or no' tarot readings, the 9 of Wands suggests a 'yes', but it comes with the caveat that success will require steadfastness and vigilance.

What does the upright Nine of Wands mean in love? ›

Upright In a love tarot spread, the Upright Nine of Wands card signifies that you're ready to face the challenges that come with love and relationships. You've learned karmic lessons from past loves and know what you want in your future.

What do wands represent in tarot? ›

The meanings of the Wands Tarot cards deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. They address what makes you tick – your personality, ego, enthusiasm, self-concept, and personal energy, both internal and external.

What is the symbolism of 9 in Tarot? ›

The Number 9 in Tarot

The Hermit is a card about enlightenment, wisdom, and self-awareness. It suggests powerful inner insights that are brought about through reflection, meditation, and contemplation. It's the total opposite vibe of the Mars-like connection.

What does the Nine of Wands in the past mean? ›

The Nine of Wands in the past position indicates that you had intense struggles and a dogged persistence to get where you are now. Often, people who are done with a struggle want to forget about it and are happy to move on.

What is 9 of wands in astrology? ›

The Nine of Wands often denotes a rough patch in a relationship, maybe even an extended one. Still, this minor arcana card urges you to stay in the game. It's not time to cut things off. While the Nine of Wands doesn't necessarily speak to whether this relationship will last, it says there's more to learn here.

What does the Nine of Swords mean in a reading? ›

This card can represent being plagued by fear, guilt, doubt, and worries that are to a large extent, unfounded. Chances are the person in question is dealing with a problematic situation or a difficult decision, but his or her worst fear is unlikely to materialize.

What does the 9 of wands mean in a career? ›

Career Meaning - Upright 9 of Wands

Here, as in every position, the nine of wands marks the halfway mark in a battle. You are not done with the struggles, but they will end soon. At present, you are likely exhausted. The battle rages on but you likely feel as if you are too exhausted to continue fighting much longer.

Can you answer yes or no with Tarot? ›

Ask the question, and draw an uneven number of cards. You can draw one, three (my favorite), or more, depending on what else you want to accomplish in the spread. For example, if you really just want a quick yes or no, then draw one card. If it's reverse, the answer is no, and if upright, yes.

Is nine of swords a yes or no in Tarot? ›

The Nine of Swords is generally considered a negative card, suggesting that the answer to a yes-or-no question is likely "no." However, it's important to consider the context and other cards in the spread for a more accurate interpretation.

What does the 9th card in Tarot mean? ›

The Hermit is a powerful card that symbolizes wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, and inner guidance. It often appears when we need to step back and reflect on our lives, delve into our inner world, and gain a greater understanding of ourselves.

What does the 9 of Cups card mean in a love Tarot reading? ›

Spending your time the way you want with the people you love. Feeling satisfied with the effort you put in and proud of the work you're presenting to the world.

What is love in Tarot? ›

The Lovers card is the seventh Major Arcana card in the tarot deck. It's all about love, deep connections, and attraction. This card embodies the idea of unconditional love and the concept of twin flames.

What is the warning of the Nine of Swords? ›

In terms of health, the Nine of Swords may indicate anxiety disorders, insomnia, migraines, or hormonal imbalances. If you're experiencing these symptoms, seek professional help and explore healthy coping mechanisms such as meditation, grounding exercises, or therapy.

What is the message of number 9? ›

The number 9 is also the last single-digit number, which signifies completion and the end of a cycle. In numerology, the number 9 is associated with spiritual growth, universal love, and compassion. The number 9 has played a significant role in Indian astronomy, astrology, numerology, and history.

What does the 9 of swords mean in Tarot? ›

This card can represent being plagued by fear, guilt, doubt, and worries that are to a large extent, unfounded. Chances are the person in question is dealing with a problematic situation or a difficult decision, but his or her worst fear is unlikely to materialize.

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